Returns / Refund policy

This Refund Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") applies to your use of the refund service as a Kolevape seller. Please read this Policy carefully to understand our refund policy and procedures.

Refund Requests

1.1 Product Defects: If the products you sell have defects or quality issues, buyers have the right to request a refund. Upon receiving a refund request, we will assess the condition of the product and determine whether to accept the refund based on the specific circumstances.

1.2 Shipping Delays: If you fail to ship the products on time, resulting in buyers not receiving the items as expected, buyers have the right to request a refund. We will assess each case of delayed shipment and determine whether to accept the refund based on the specific circumstances.

1.3 Order Cancellations: If a buyer decides to cancel an order after it is confirmed and requests a refund before shipment, we will process the refund according to your cancellation policy and procedures.

Refund Process

2.1 Buyer's Refund Request: Buyers will submit refund requests through our refund request channel, providing order details and reasons for the refund. We will process the buyer's request as soon as possible and communicate with the buyer.

2.2 Refund Review: Upon receiving a buyer's refund request, we will evaluate the request and review relevant order information and refund reasons. We may request further evidence or supporting documents from the buyer.

2.3 Refund Decision: Based on the review of the refund request, we will determine whether to accept the refund request. If we decide to accept the refund request, we will negotiate the refund amount and refund method with the buyer.

2.4 Refund Processing: Once a refund decision is reached, we will process the refund promptly. The refund amount will be returned to the buyer's original payment method or arranged for refund according to the buyer's request.

Refund Policy

3.1 Refund Amount: The refund amount will be based on the actual purchase price of the product, which may include the product cost, taxes, shipping fees, and others. We will determine the refund amount in accordance with our refund policy and applicable laws and regulations.

3.2 Refund Timeframe: We will make reasonable efforts to process refunds within a reasonable timeframe after accepting the refund request. The specific refund timeframe may vary depending on the buyer's location and payment method.

3.3 Non-Refundable Situations: In accordance with your refund policy, there may be situations where a refund is not eligible, such as buyer's fault, product usage or damage, and others. In such cases, we may reject the refund request.

Additional Terms

4.1 Dispute Resolution: For refund-related disputes, we encourage buyers and sellers to engage in honest and good-faith negotiations and communications to resolve the issues. If an agreement cannot be reached, legal remedies may be sought.

4.2 Disclaimer: While we will make reasonable efforts to process refund requests and take measures to protect the rights of buyers and sellers, we do not assume any responsibility for the outcome of refund requests.

4.3 Agreement Modification: We reserve the right to modify this Refund Policy at any time as needed. The revised policy will be published on our website and will be effective from the date of publication.

Please carefully read and understand this Refund Policy before using the refund service. By using our service, you agree to be bound by this Policy.